Ambition means wanting to achieve your goal very bad! I don't think its possible to be to ambitious. We can judge  them by seeing them achieving to many goals in there life and actually succeeding. 
My definition of success is having good grades all through your school years graduating college having the job you enjoy plus having wife and kids. I judge people by how they dress or how they take care of themselves and by what they do. 
My understanding of supernatural is things that happen but unbelievable but have you thinking more about unbelievable stuff. I've never experience any supernatural experience. If somebody offer to tell my future i would tell them no thanks because i don't want to see my future i rather experience myself. My opinion of shows like Ghost Hunters or movies like Paranormal Activity is that i do think some of those stories are real cause their are some people that experience those stuff.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2012

